


Acquisition Campaign API

This API allows you to manage and retrieve acquisition campaigns.

acquisition campaign

A campaign designed to acquire new participants to your subscription lists. A participant can be added to an acquisition campaign if they text in a corresponding keyword or via an API call.


Application Program Interface.

  • Body: Allows the client or server to pass data with an HTTP request or response. Vibes Platform APIs expect body data to be formatted as JSON. Not all requests or responses will contain a body.
  • Method: HTTP is the format used to enable communication between clients (like Web browsers) and servers. The most common methods are GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
  • URL: The web address. The URL host is the Vibes public API site.
  • Header: Allows the client or server to pass additional meta-information with an HTTP request or response. Content type, X-API-Version, and Authorization are examples of header information the Vibes Platform API supports. All requests or responses will contain a header.

API key

The API Key is found at the top of the Campaign page. Your Vibes account manager can help you with your API Key when you create an acquisition campaign in the Vibes Platform.


A message sent to a set of subscribers.


A callback is a call made from Vibes to an external endpoint containing information about recent activity in the Vibes system. Each callback is identified by a unique callback_id. See Callbacks for more information.

Campaign Manager

Campaign Manager is the section of our Vibes platform that is used to manage acquisition campaigns, broadcasts, subscription lists, and more.


Customer Data Platform.

Client Certificate Authentication

Vibes supports Client Certificate Authentication as an extra layer of security for API calls.


The company_key is the unique alphanumeric identifier for your platform account. It is necessary for all API calls.


Customer relationship management.


Comma-separated value.

custom field

Custom fields are fields that are set up to collect and/or store any data you choose. Once you set up the custom field in the platform, you can use it to target certain users or personalize a message.

For example, if you’d like to categorize your mobile subscribers into participation tiers, you could set up a field called tier.

custom short domain

A short domain is a way to shorten a link so that it is easier to deliver over SMS. Vibes provides a proprietary URL shortener for use in our platform. You can configure this tool to use any short domain of your choice to represent your brand. Learn more in the custom short domain guide. Also known as a vanity URL.


E.164 is the official format for all international phone numbers that includes a plus sign (+) followed by a country code and phone number.
For example:

  • U.S.: +12025550132
  • U.K.: +441632960964
  • Brazil: +5511991234567


An event is a defined occurrence that can be submitted to the Vibes systems and used to trigger event-triggered actions, including message sends. Each event contains data specific to the event, including an event_type, which is used to determine which event-triggered message campaign it corresponds with. Learn more with our Event API reference.

event-triggered message

Event-triggered messages are messages that are sent to a user only after the system receives notice than an event has occurred. Learn more by reading our Event-Triggered Messaging guide.


Each person who has interacted with your campaigns has a corresponding person record identified by a unique person_key assigned by the Vibes system. However, if you have your own way of identifying subscribers, you can add this identifier in the external_person_id field and use this for cross-linking.


Information Elements.

Incentive Manager

The Incentives Manager is a module in the Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform that allows the issuance and redemption of incentive codes.

incentive code

A single code that can be issued or redeemed.

incentive code issuance

A record of an issuance of an incentive code.

incentive code redemption

A record of a redemption of an incentive code.

incentive pool

A collection of incentive codes.

integration files

Vibes-supported integration files are an alternative way to load and update data into Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform. Learn more about file-based data imports.


(JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format.

  • *Example:** The following shows the JSON representation of a subscription entity within the APIs.


Mobile Directory Number.


An individual communication sent to or from a person.

Message Extract

A daily-generated file that contains all the message data from a particular day. It is generally used to sync message data between Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Campaign Management system.


Mobile Marketing Association.


Multimedia Messaging Service. This is a message that includes some sort of media elements, such as an image, gif, or video.


Mobile Originated - a message that originates from a mobile phone. For example, a participant texting in a keyword would be considered an MO.

Mobile Database

The Vibes Mobile Database stores information about persons who have already interacted with your campaigns. This information can be used to segment, target, and personalize messages to subscribers.


Mobile Terminated - a message that terminates at mobile phone. For example, the broadcasts you send to your subscription lists are classified as MTs.


A person who has one or more mobile interactions (such as sending a text message) with your mobile program but has not yet subscribed to a subscription list.

pending subscriber

A participant that has requested to opt-in to a subscription list and has been sent a prompt to join a subscription list. The prompt has not expired, but the participant has not yet confirmed their opt-in.


An entity that represents an individual who has interacted with your campaigns. The entity contains all the person’s data, along with a unique person_key. It can also be identified by an external_person_id, if you are cross-linking with an external customer system.


  • *DEPRECIATED**. A unique numeric identifier generated by the Vibes system to identify a person record.
  • *Important**: person_id is a depreciated field and may be removed in the future. We recommend using person_key whenever possible.


A unique alphanumeric identifier assigned by the Vibes system to a person record.


Push messages are messages delivered to a user’s mobile device via a mobile app. Vibes offers a Push Notifications SDK to install into your iOS and Android apps, which can be used to send, manage, and track these messages in the Vibes platform.

recipient list

A .CSV file containing a list of persons that is used to target outbound content delivery.

SAML 2.0

Security Assertion Markup Language is an XML-based data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties. Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform allows customers and partners to use SAML 2.0 to authenticate users into the platform.


Software Development Kit. An SDK is a programming package that enables a programmer to develop applications.


Secure File Transfer Protocol. The use of integration files requires a Vibes’ Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) account. Contact your Vibes account manager to get your SFTP account set up.


Short Message Service. This is a message that includes only text.


Simple Object Access Protocol.

standard field

A field stored in our APIs that is defined and available to all companies. Data is always specific to a company.


A participant who is subscribed to one or more subscription lists.


A person's membership in a subscription list.

subscription entity

The subscription entity contains the information and metadata for a person's subscription to a subscription list.

Subscription Extract

A daily-generated file that defines all the subscription activity (opt-ins and opt-outs) on the requested date. It can be used to sync subscriptions between Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Campaign Management system.

subscription list

A collection of subscribers that have all opted in to receiving a certain type of content.

text delimited files

Text delimited files are standard text fields with one record per line, and the various columns separated by a delimiter, such as a comma.

URL Click Extract

A daily-generated file that contains all click data on the defined day. It is generally used to sync URL click data between Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Campaign Management system.


A Universal Unique Identifier is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify an object or entity on the Internet.

Wallet Manager

Vibes’ Wallet Manager platform enables you to create, update, and manage passes that can be added to your customers’ mobile wallets.

  • *Note**:
    Apple Wallet was previously named Passbook.
    Google Wallet was previous named Android Pay and Google Pay.

Wallet Page View Extract

A daily-generated file that contains all wallet page view data on the specified date. It is generally used to sync Wallet data between Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Campaign Management system.


Unique identifier for the wallet campaign, as automatically generated by Wallet Manager system.


Unique identifier for the wallet item specified at creation. This can be system generated or customer supplied in the creation URL.

  • *Note**: The wallet_item_id is the UUID, which is a campaign- specific identifier that is used to identify wallet objects. This is generally customer defined, as it can be included in links and used before a wallet object is created.

white labeling

The process of customizing the Vibes platform with your brand’s logos and URLs. See specifications here.