Current Subscriber Extract
The Current Subscriber Extract is used to show how many subscriptions by list are active at the time of publication.
Standard File Name
The following is the recommended best practice for file names. File naming conventions may be changed upon request.
How to Read Files
Extract files will be delivered in tab-separated value (TSV) text files. The information is separated into rows and columns. Column data will be separated by tabs, while each new row will be separated by a hard return.
Contents of Each File
The extract will contain a list of MDNs, as well as metadata about each subscription for a company. This file will include all subscriptions as of 12:00 A.M. on the day that it is run.
File discrepancies
These files may not match completely with Analytics reporting.
The File Body
The file body can contain the following fields as data separated by the delimiter and a header row.
Field Name | Data Type | Field Length | Allows Nulls | Description |
mdn | String | 255 | No | Mobile number included in the subscription list. The MDN is the 10-digit number that does not include country code or "+". |
person_id | String | 40 | No | Unique Vibes-specified GUID representing the person. Note that while the field is labeled person_id, the value is the |
external_person_id | String | 40 | Yes | External system's person identifier to include in the subscription list. |
carrier_code | String | 255 | No | The carrier code indicating specific carrier. See Appendix - Carrier Codes for all valid carriers. |
mdn_e164_format | String | 255 | No | Mobile number included in the subscription list in E.164 format, which includes country code and "+". Example: +12295551234. |
country_code | String | 255 | No | This is the current country code of the MDN associated with the subscription. |
subscription_list_id | String | 255 | No | Subscription list the person is associated with. |
Example File
Updated about 2 months ago