Rich Push Image Configuration
Images Dimensions and Specs
The following dimensions are recommended for for Rich Media. (Image, gif, video for iOS. Static Image for Android)
- Maximum dimensions on iOS is 1038x1038.The theoretical maximum file sizes are 5MB for images, 10MB for audio and 50MB for video in size. We recommend that our customers are more conservative than that; for optimum download speed you stay more in 1 MB range for images/gifs and 2 MB for videos. It must be an https:// URL to work on iOS. Best practice is to keep images between 800 and 1,038 pixels wide.
Other things to consider:
- Android images recommends an aspect ratio of 2:1 (consider trying sizes 512x256, 960x480, or 1024x512) and may crop from center if it doesn’t fit.
- iOS Images in iOS 12 Rich Push Notifications+ recommends only display in two ratios, 1:1 and 3:2 and may crop from center if it doesn’t fit.
Updated about 2 months ago