CPA Requests via SFTP

Originally called CCPA (California Consumer Privacy ACT), the CPA (Consumer Privacy Act) was established to provide consumers a way to control their private information. Consumers can request for their data to be deleted.

While Vibes already provides our customers a way to delete consumer data using our APIs, we have created an alternative, file-based method using a CSV file format uploaded to our SFTP servers.

Learn more about SFTP .

Flow Overview

The CPA request via SFTP process is as follows:

  1. Customer creates the request in CSV format specified and uploads the file on our SFTP server in /files/in_cpr directory.
  2. Vibes' automated process retrieves the uploaded file and processes its contents. If records are requested for deletion, records associated with the specified MDN will be deleted. The file is removed from the in_cpr directly after processing is completed.
  3. Automated process generates the request status output file in the /files/out_cpr directory.
  4. Customer retrieves the request status file from our SFTP service.

Request File (Incoming)

The incoming request file directory is /files/in_cpr in the customer’s SFTP account. The file does not have a required naming convention, but it is must end with .csv, .gpg, or .pgp.

The format is as follows:






Customer-generated ID for the request. Must be unique - if duplicates exist, only the first request will be processed.


10-digit phone number of the customer. If it is an international number, it needs to be in E.164 format (i.e. +442011112222)


0 = check if exists
1 = delete

Specifies whether to check if the MDN exists in our database, or delete any records associated with the MDN.

Request Status File (Outgoing)

The status of the CCPA request is provided in the following status file format. The standard outgoing request status file directory is /files/out_cpr within the customer's sftp account. File name will include the original file name with a date of processing appended at the end.






Customer-generated ID from the incoming request.


0 = not found
1 = found
2 = deleted

Indicates whether MDN was not found, found, or found and deleted.



Date and time at the time of processing in ISO 8601 format.

Processing Notes

  • Customers may send the same phone number (MDN) multiple times with unique Request IDs. The CPA request processor will process each request sequentially and output each processing request result to the verification file. If the request is a delete request, the first entry will return a deleted status, subsequent requests for the same MDN will return a status of not found.
  • Request verification responses will not include the MDN. The RequestID value may be used to associate the requests status result with the original MDN.