Subscription Extract

The daily subscription extract is used to sync subscriptions between Vibes platform and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Campaign Management system.

Standard File Name

The following is the recommended best practice for file names. File naming conventions may be changed upon request.


How to Read Files

Extract files will be delivered in tab-separated value (TSV) text files. The information is separated into rows and columns. Column data will be separated by tabs, while each new row will be separated by a hard return.

File Body

The file body can contain the following fields as data, separated by the delimiter and a header row.

Field NameData TypeField LengthAllows NullsDescription
person_idString255NoUnique Vibes-specified GUID representing the person.

Note that while the field is labeled person_id, the value is the person_key.
external_person_idString255YesExternal system's person identifier.
mdnString20NoMobile number included in the Subscription List. The Mobile Directory Number (MDN) must be in E.164 format. Example: +12295551234.
company_idString255NoID representing the customer account at Vibes.
carrier_codeString50NoThe carrier code indicating specific carrier. See Appendix - Carrier Codes for all valid carriers.
subscription_list_idString255NoA unique identifier for the subscription list the person is associated with
subscription_list_nameString255NoName of the list the person is associated with
opt_in_dateDate/TimeN/ANoThe date/time that the subscriber had opted into the list. Format example: "2017-04-05 14:30:00 -0600".
opt_out_dateDate/TimeN/AYesThe date/time the subscriber opted out of the list. Format example: "2017-04-05 14:30:00 -0600".
subscription_eventString5NoThe type of subscription event: OPT_IN; OPT_OUT.
opt_out_reasonString100YesThe reason for the disconnect. Values are:

activity_descriptionString255YesThe acquisition campaign that a subscriber used to opt-in to the list
activity_idString255YesVibes UID for the acquisition campaign that the subscriber used to opt-in to the list

Example File
