Appendix: SMPP Error Codes & Descriptions
Default vs Specific Carrier
Default error codes are taken from the SMPP specifications (hex error code is also included for reference). Each carrier's implementation is slightly different, and we have highlighted any carrier-specific nuances in the rows below as follows: Yellow=Sprint, Blue=AT&T, Red=Verizon, Gray=Interop.
Connection Name | SMPP Error Code | Hex Error Code | Error Description |
Default | 0 | 0x0000 | Message accepted |
Default | 1 | 0x0001 | Invalid message length |
Default | 2 | 0x0002 | Invalid command length |
Default | 3 | 0x0003 | Invalid command ID |
Default | 4 | 0x0004 | Invalid bind status |
Sprint | 4 | 0x0004 | Invalid bind status (retry after bind) |
Default | 5 | 0x0005 | Bind attempted when already bound |
ATT EAG | 5 | 0x0005 | Bind attempted when already bound |
Default | 6 | 0x0006 | Invalid priority flag |
Default | 7 | 0x0007 | Invalid registered delivery flag |
Default | 8 | 0x0008 | System error issue with short message service center (SMSC) |
Sprint | 8 | 0x0008 | System error issue with short message service center (SMSC) |
Default | 10 | 0x000A | Invalid source address |
Sprint | 10 | 0x000A | Invalid source address |
ATT EAG | 10 | 0x000A | Invalid source address |
Default | 11 | 0x000B | Invalid mobile directory number (MDN) |
Sprint | 11 | 0x000B | Invalid mobile directory number (MDN) |
ATT EAG | 11 | 0x000B | Invalid mobile directory number (MDN) |
Default | 12 | 0x000C | Invalid message ID |
Default | 13 | 0x000D | Generic bind failure |
ATT EAG | 13 | 0x000D | Generic bind failure |
Default | 14 | 0x000E | Invalid password |
Sprint | 14 | 0x000E | Invalid password or system ID in bind |
Default | 15 | 0x000F | Invalid system ID |
ATT EAG | 15 | 0x000F | Invalid system ID |
Default | 17 | 0x0011 | Request failed for 'cancel_sm' |
Default | 19 | 0x0013 | Request failed for 'replace_sm' |
Default | 20 | 0x0014 | Message queue currently full (too many messages) |
Default | 21 | 0x0015 | Invalid services type |
Default | 51 | 0x0033 | Invalid number of destination addresses |
Default | 52 | 0x0034 | Invalid distribution list name |
Default | 64 | 0x0040 | Invalid destination flag option (i.e. 'submit_multi') |
Default | 66 | 0x0042 | Invalid value for submit with replace option (i.e. 'submit_sm' with 'replace_if_present_flag' set) |
Default | 67 | 0x0043 | Invalid value for 'esm_class' field |
Default | 68 | 0x0044 | Distribution list submission failure |
Default | 69 | 0x0045 | Generic submission failure (i.e. 'submit_sm' or 'submit_multi' failed) |
ATT EAG | 69 | 0x0045 | Generic submission failure (i.e. 'submit_sm' or 'submit_multi' failed) |
Default | 72 | 0x0048 | Invalid type of number (TON) for source address |
Default | 73 | 0x0049 | Invalid numbering plan indicator (NPI) for source address |
Default | 80 | 0x0050 | Invalid type of number (TON) for destination address |
Default | 81 | 0x0051 | Invalid numbering plan indicator (NPI) for destination address |
Default | 83 | 0x0053 | Invalid value for 'system_type' field |
Default | 84 | 0x0054 | Invalid submit with replace flag option (i.e. 'replace_if_present_flag') |
Default | 85 | 0x0055 | Invalid number of messages specified for 'query_last_msgs' primitive |
Default | 88 | 0x0058 | Throttling inbound messages (due to exceeding allowed ESME message limits) |
Sprint | 88 | 0x0058 | Throttling inbound messages (due to exceeding allowed ESME message limits) |
Default | 97 | 0x0061 | Invalid scheduled delivery time |
Default | 98 | 0x0062 | Invalid validity date (expiry time) |
Default | 99 | 0x0063 | Invalid predefined message (or not found) |
Default | 100 | 0x0064 | Temporary app error code for external short messaging entity (ESME) receiver |
ATT EAG | 100 | 0x0064 | Temporary app error code for external short messaging entity (ESME) receiver |
Default | 101 | 0x0065 | Permanent app error code for external short messaging entity (ESME) receiver |
Default | 102 | 0x0066 | Reject message error code for external short messaging entity (ESME) receiver |
ATT EAG | 102 | 0x0066 | Reject message error code for external short messaging entity (ESME) receiver |
Default | 103 | 0x0067 | Request failed for 'query_sm' |
Default | 192 | 0x00C0 | Error found in optional protocol data unit (PDU) body |
Default | 193 | 0x00C1 | Optional parameter not allowed |
Default | 194 | 0x00C2 | Invalid optional parameter length |
Default | 195 | 0x00C3 | Missing optional parameter |
Default | 196 | 0x00C4 | Invalid optional parameter value |
Default | 254 | 0x00FE | Generic delivery failure (used for 'data_sm_resp') |
Interop Technologies | 254 | 0x00FE | Delivery failure (interop bind to carrier not active during message submit) |
Default | 255 | 0x00FF | Unknown Error |
Interop Technologies | 1024 | 0x0400 | Mobile directory number (MDN) blocked or not routed to correct carrier |
ATT EAG | 1040 | 0x0410 | Invalid services type |
ATT EAG | 1041 | 0x0411 | Unauthorized system type for external short messaging entity (ESME) |
Sprint | 1042 | 0x0412 | Inactive short code |
ATT EAG | 1042 | 0x0412 | Service denied |
Sprint | 1043 | 0x0413 | Expired short code |
ATT EAG | 1043 | 0x0413 | External short messaging entity (ESME) prohibited |
Sprint | 1044 | 0x0414 | Blocked short code |
Sprint | 1045 | 0x0415 | Short code not started |
Sprint | 1046 | 0x0416 | Invalid test mobile directory number (MDN) |
Sprint | 1047 | 0x0417 | Blocked mobile directory number (MDN) |
Sprint | 1048 | 0x0418 | Invalid reseller (i.e. not provisioned, reseller blocked shortcode, or exclusively provisioned for another reseller) |
Sprint | 1049 | 0x0419 | Service is temporarily discontinued (i.e. subscriber has not paid their bill, so MDN hotlined by carrier) |
Sprint | 1051 | 0x041B | Unsupported mobile device (i.e. content provider trying to deliver message to wireless modem instead of a handset, MDNs should be removed from any subscriber lists) |
Default | 1095 | 0x0447 | Blocked billing ID (i.e. premium messages blocked for MDN since user not setup to receive these) |
Default | 1096 | 0x0448 | Blocked content (i.e. content filtering is blocking this user from accessing a campaign or short code) |
Verizon | 1100 | 0x044C | Partially executed request (i.e. some recipients have no opt-in) |
Sprint | 1104 | 0x0450 | Unknown error (aggregators may contact PMG customer support) |
Default | 1296 | 0x0510 | No response within configured time for 'Submit SM PDU' (i.e. ResponseTimer expired) |
Default | 1297 | 0x0511 | Protocol data unit (PDU) de-queued from window list (i.e. due to bind inactivity or connectivity issues) |
Default | 1298 | 0x0512 | Network error while submitting message (i.e. due to errors in the transport layer instead of SMPP level issues) |
Default | 1299 | 0x0513 | Short message peer to peer (SMPP) library not initialized while attempting to send message |
Default | 1300 | 0x0514 | Unknown short message peer to peer (SMPP) library error while attempting to send message |
Default | 1537 | 0x0601 | MT Message failed (subscriber did not reply to carrier's required second opt-in with affirmative response within validity period) |
Default | 1538 | 0x0602 | MT Message failed (premium product ID did not match a carrier's valid product configuration) |
Default | 1539 | 0x0603 | MT Message failed (purchase request to carrier failed) |
Default | 1540 | 0x0604 | MT Message failed (no premium product found for the given price and gateway) |
Default | 1541 | 0x0605 | MT Message failed (subscriber requested a premium product that currently has a request pending a subscriber opt-in) |
Default | 1542 | 0x0606 | MT Message failed (subscriber could not be created, see Premium Charge table for specific information) |
Verizon | 2001 | 0x07D1 | Request refused due to lack of permission |
Verizon | 2002 | 0x07D2 | Invalid formatting (i.e. recipient number not in 10-digit format, or exceeds max allowed message bundling size for multiple recipients) |
Verizon | 2004 | 0x07D4 | Invalid content issue (i.e. content type not supported, or exceeds max allowed content size) |
Verizon | 2006 | 0x07D6 | Cannot find message with ID as the LinkedID |
Verizon | 2007 | 0x07D7 | Invalid element value format (i.e. inappropriate or incorrect) |
Verizon | 2100 | 0x0834 | Exceeded max concurrent connection limit |
Verizon | 2101 | 0x0835 | Exceeded max message throttling rate limit |
Verizon | 2102 | 0x0836 | No opt-in found for any of these recipients (provider must stop sending message to the non-opt-in recipients) |
Verizon | 2103 | 0x0837 | Invalid or no Program ID found (provider must include Program ID in the request) |
Verizon | 3000 | 0x0BB8 | Server failed to fulfill a request that was apparently valid |
Verizon | 4001 | 0x0FA1 | Invalid short code or VASPID/VASID |
Verizon | 4002 | 0x0FA2 | Unsupported version element of MM7 |
Verizon | 4006 | 0x0FA6 | Cannot accept message delivery request at the moment (backend SMSC or MMSC issue) |
Updated 26 days ago