Cordova Support

Getting Started

The Vibes Cordova plugin allows integration of the Vibes Push SDK into hybrid platforms that support Cordova to generate both Android and iOS applications. This means frameworks like PhoneGap and Ionic can take advantage of our plugin to receive push notifications and other functionality available within our native SDKs. App Inbox messaging is not supported until Version 1.1.0.

Setup and Usage

The Vibes Cordova plugin is available here. It contains instructions on how to setup and integrate it are available in the

The Ionic native wrapper for this plugin is available here.

Key Integration Steps

  • Implement basic device and push registration to simple push notifications
  • Enable association of push to device API or SDK call. This will make a user "known" and allow for platform targeting and segmentation. Note: If you are using cross channel segmentation between channels, the external_person_ID must be the same in the SMS, Push, and Wallet channels.
  • Add advanced push options: rich push, notification sounds, deep linking, etc (Optional)

Note: Platform accounts are available via the platform for development and UAT testing.

Testing Environments

While testing, it is typical to have one Vibes app ID for your test app, and a separate app ID for your production app. We recommend using different bundle IDs (iOS) and application IDs (Android) for each environment, as using the same value for different environments can cause unexpected behavior.

However, if you find that you can't use separate values for bundle ID / application ID for each Vibes app ID, then make sure you clear the application data when switching between apps for each environment.