Tech Specs
Vibes offers this Push Notifications SDK to let you send push messages to consumers, track your app interactions with notifications, and allow mobile apps to register themselves to receive push messages from Vibes Mobile Engagement Platform.
Setup and Configuration
When working with Vibes Push SDK files, contact your Vibes account manager for help with the following:
- App ID – Your app_id uniquely identifies the application and will be needed to configure the SDK. The app_id will be the same for the Android and iOS apps.
- Configuring Certificates and Server Keys – Your app will need to securely communicate with Apple and Google via the Vibes Platform, so APNS certificates and Firebase server keys will be required.
- Test App Account – Before you submit your app to the app store, you can log into the Vibes Platform and test your push notifications in a test account on your test app.
Requirements for iOS
The following are the minimum iOS and Xcode versions that are required for the Vibes Push Notifications SDK.
- iOS 9.0+, iOS 10.0+
- Xcode 8.0+, Xcode 9.0+
- CocoaPods 1.1.0+
Requirements for Android
The following is the minimum Android version that is required for the Vibes Push Notifications SDK.
- KitKat 4.4+
Prerequisites to Install the Vibes Push Notifications iOS SDK
You can use one of the following prerequisites to install the Vibes Push Notifications iOS SDK.
- Cocoapads: You can use CocoaPods, which is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects, to install the Vibes Push Notifications iOS SDK.
- Manual install. If you prefer not to use CocoaPods, you can manually integrate Vibes Push into your project.
Prerequisites to Install the Vibes Push Notifications Android SDK
- Android Studio: Once you open Android Studio, it should handle downloading and syncing any of the Android SDK components it needs.
You will use test apps within a production environment to test your SDK. At production launch, you will switch to a production app within the production environment.
Program Language for Apple iOS
You can build your iOS apps in Swift or Objective-C.
Program Language for Google Android
You can build your Android apps in Java or Kotlin.
Updated almost 2 years ago