Wallet Callbacks

The following callbacks are triggered when changes occur to wallet items. To receive callbacks, please make sure that your endpoint is compatible with our endpoint specifications.


Before you register...

Set up your endpoint before sending any callback configurations. Do not use a "fake" URL to test the configuration, as this will result in errors.

Available Callbacks

Wallet Item Added

The wallet_item_install callback event is triggered when a new wallet pass is installed by an end user.

Callback configuration

When registering for this callback, your request body should look something like the below example. Please note that if you’d like to receive callbacks for multiple campaigns, you will need to register each campaign separately.

  "callback_type": "wallet_item_install",
  "event_type": "wallet_item_install", //deprecated
  "wallet_item_install": {
    "campaign_token": "YOUR_WALLET_CAMPAIGN_TOKEN"
     "url":"YOUR_DESTINATION_URL_W_HTTPS", /*Do not use a "fake" URL (such as google.com).*/

Callback body

The callback body will include information about the new wallet item the end user has installed.

  "event_id": "5725c57e-f4bf-47e3-8b1f-6b47e532157a",
  "event_type": "wallet_item_install", //deprecated
  "event_date": "2018-05-07T15:27:33.664Z",
  "wallet_instance": {
    "registered_at": "2017-01-14T14:30Z",
    "unregistered_at": NULL,
    "wallet_instance_uid": "ec5035b8-349d-47e4-aef1-21bef2220c26",
    "provider": "google"
  "wallet_item": {
    "uuid": "item-uuid",
    "wallet_object_uid": "j8hddfgu65-349d-47e4-aef1-5ujdf2220c26",
    "expiration_date": "2017-01-14T14:30Z",
    "tokens": {
      "first_name": "Calrissian"
    "url": "/companies/bi3bwNRk/campaigns/wallet/r3zhm8/items/item-uuid"
  "wallet_campaign": {
    "wallet_campaign_uid": "cc2ba6ca-557f-4335-9df0-ee5d3c541d0a",
    "token": "r3zhm8",
    "url": "/companies/bi3bwNRk/campaigns/wallet/r3zhm8/"

Wallet Item Removed

The wallet_item_remove callback event is triggered when a wallet pass is removed by an end user.

Callback configuration

When registering for this callback, your request body should look something like the below example. Please note that if you’d like to receive callbacks for multiple campaigns, you will need to register each campaign separately.

  "callback_type": "wallet_item_remove",
  "event_type": "wallet_item_remove",  //deprecated
  "wallet_item_install": {
    "campaign_token": "YOUR_WALLET_CAMPAIGN_TOKEN"
     "url":"YOUR_DESTINATION_URL_W_HTTPS", /*Do not use a "fake" URL (such as google.com).*/

Callback body

The callback body will include information about the wallet item that was removed.

  "event_id": "5725c57e-f4bf-47e3-8b1f-6b47e532157a",
  "callback_type": "wallet_item_remove",
  "event_type": "wallet_item_remove", //deprecated
  "event_date": "2018-05-07T15:27:33.664Z",
  "wallet_instance": {
    "registered_at": "2017-01-14T14:30Z",
    "unregistered_at": "2018-01-14T14:30Z",
    "wallet_instance_uid": "ec5035b8-349d-47e4-aef1-21bef2220c26",
    "provider": "google"
  "wallet_item": {
    "uuid": "item-uuid",
    "wallet_object_uid": "j8hddfgu65-349d-47e4-aef1-5ujdf2220c26",
    "expiration_date": "2017-01-14T14:30Z",
    "tokens": {
      "first_name": "Calrissian"
    "url": "/companies/bi3bwNRk/campaigns/wallet/r3zhm8/items/item-uuid"
  "wallet_campaign": {
    "wallet_campaign_uid": "cc2ba6ca-557f-4335-9df0-ee5d3c541d0a",
    "token": "r3zhm8",
    "url": "/companies/bi3bwNRk/campaigns/wallet/r3zhm8/"

Additional Resources