Callback API

Callbacks are Vibes-initiated requests to the endpoint of your choice. Our Callback API allows you to register to receive callbacks, retrieve previously sent callbacks, and more.

Available API methods

Elements & Attributes

Data ElementTypeDescriptionRequired?Default
callback_idStringVibes unique identifier for each callback record.N/A
callback_typeStringCallback type to trigger this callback. Replacement for parameter event_type, which has multiple meaning throughout the platform.event_type OR callback_type is required
event_type (deprecated)StringDEPRECIATED: This field is being depreciated and may be removed in the future. We recommend using callback_type instead.

Callback/event type to trigger this callback.
event_type or callback_type is required
destination.urlStringExternal URL to submit the callback data. You may register multiple unique callback entities to send to different url endpoints (Limit 50). Length is limited to 1024 characters.Required
destination.methodStringMethod to submit the data to the destination URL.
POST and PUT are valid methods.
destination.content_typeStringContent type to set when submitting the data to the destination URL.

Valid content types:
- application/json
- text/json
start_dateTimestampDate you’d like to start receiving this callback. It should be in the ISO 8601 format - for example: 2017-04-05T14:30Z.OptionalNow
end_dateTimestampDate you’d like to stop receiving this callback. It should be in the ISO 8601 format - for example: 2017-04-05T14:30Z.OptionalNo end date
urlStringUnique resource URL for the callback.N/A
created_atTimestampDate this callback was created. This is a system-generated field and will appear in ISO 8601 format - for example: 2017-04-05T14:30Z.N/A
updated_atTimestampDate this callback was last updated. This is a system-generated field and will appear in ISO 8601 format - for example: 2017-04-05T14:30Z.N/A
list_idStringVibes unique identifier for a subscription list.Required for Subscription Callback Types
campaign_idStringVibes unique identifier for an acquisition campaign.Required for Acquisition Callback Types
source_codeStringThe short code, long code, or alpha code associated with the callback.Required for Unmatched Message Callback Types
country_codeStringThe country code for the source code associated with this callback.Required for Unmatched Message Callback Types
campaign_tokenStringThe campaign token for the wallet campaign.Required for Wallet Item Callback Types