iOS Wallet Templates API

Vibes currently supports wallet items for both Apple and Android, but due to the differences between the operating systems on which these items live, the Apple and Android wallet items must be created and updated separately. The iOS Wallet Templates API allows you to retrieve, create, and update templates for Apple iOS users.

The iOS Wallet Templates API allows you to update, retrieve and create passbooks for Apple Wallet (formerly known as Passbook). You can find the Android documentation here

Available API methods

Elements & Attributes

colorsHash of the colors for background, foreground, and label text in hex formatyes"colors": {
"background": <hex_value>,
"foreground": <hex_value>,
"label": <hex_value>
pass_descriptionA string describing the passyes"pass_description": <a_string>
nfc_messageA string that is passed on an nfc tapno"nfc_message": <a_string>
organization_nameA string that is usually the company nameno"organization_name": <a_string>
thank_you_urlA URL that we redirect to upon pass installationno"thank_you_url": <a_url>
thank_you_messageA string that is displayed after a pass is installed.

Note: This doesn’t display if thank_you_url is set.
no"thank_you_message": <a_string>
imagesA hash with source_urls for images that are displayed on the wallet passyes (icon and logo are required)"images": {
"icon": {
"source_url": <a_url>
 "preview_strip": {
"source_url": <a_url>
 "logo": {
"source_url": <a_url>
 "strip": {
"source_url": <a_url>

strip_imagesAn array of dynamic strip images with a source_url. None of the images here will be used as the default strip images, and each one requires a unique image"strip_images": s]
"data": {
"h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "Description",
"h-2": "Required",
"h-3": "Format/example",
"0-0": "colors",
"0-1": "Hash of the colors for background, foreground, and label text in hex format",
logo_textA hash of text fields on the passno"fields": {
"back": {
"back1": {
"label": <a_string>,
"value": "<a_string>
"back2": {
"label": <a_string>,
"value": <a_string>
"back3": {
"label": <a_string>,
"value": <a_string>
"primary": {
"primary_key": {
"label": <a_string>,
"value": <a_string>
"header": {
"header_key": {
"label": <a_string>,
"value": <a_string>
"secondary": {
"secondary1": {
"label": <a_string>,
"value": <a_string>
app_idAn id that references your app in the App Storeno"app_id": <a_string>
sharing_prohibitedA Boolean value that will either allow or not allowing sharing of the passno"sharing_prohibited": <a_boolean>
barcodeA hash for the the barcode on a passno"barcode": {
"type": <a_string>,
"code": <a_string>,
"description": <a_string>